User manual for UFS Explorer products based on the "standard" software interface


This joint user manual contains informational and explanatory materials intended to give assistance in the use of three UFS Explorer products: UFS Explorer Standard Recovery, UFS Explorer RAID Recovery, and UFS Explorer Network RAID. The reason for having such an arrangement is that the "standard" editions of the software share common interface elements and general operating procedures present throughout this part of the product range (as opposed to more advanced editions). By default, the descriptions and procedures relate to all the three utilities. If a certain function or component is particular to a specific program, this will be indicated explicitly next to the heading of the section or the name of the corresponding element.

Please read this manual thoroughly in order to take full advantage of the capabilities of the software and ensure its correct application. Keep it for reference whenever difficulties arise during utilization. You can also rely on additional resources found in our Knowledge Base, along with the Solutions and the FAQ sections.

Though we have tried to make this manual usable for all readers, understanding of some of the software parameters and implementation of certain functions may require special technical knowledge. The clarification of fundamentals is beyond the scope of this manual. If the purpose of a configuration is not clear for you, it is recommended to proceed with the defaults.

As we continue to improve the functionality of the products, the contents of this manual are subject to changes that can be made without any prior notice.

Besides, all visual information  (screenshots, images, etc.) that appears in this manual is used only for illustrative purposes. It may differ from the actual examples you will see on your screen. Thus, reading the manual is recommended in conjunction with running the software.

How to navigate the manual

Information in this manual is presented in a section-by-section format. The manual itself is divided into several parts specified by the heading of the first level: 


  • Introduction – provides an overview of the software features, its technical specifications and requirements;
  •  Getting started – describes how to start using the software, including its installation, activation, modification of its settings, and introduces the elements of its interface;
  •  Use of the software components – presents an overview of different instruments included into the software and  provides guidelines on their usage;
  •  Recovery process – contains detailed instructions on how to perform the data recovery procedure, from the choice of a storage to saving the recovered files;
  •  Other operations – covers additional operations that can be accomplished using the software and aid in data recovery;
  •  Work with third-party systems – focuses on interaction of the software with certain compatible external systems.

Each part of the manual is further divided into sections. The heading of each section describes the exact topic this section is devoted to, for example:


Most sections, except for very short ones, are represented by a number of chapters. They serve for easier orientation in the content of a section and are indicated by the heading of the third level, for instance:


In order to move to the required section, first of all, open the part of the manual it belongs to by clicking on the heading in the navigation pane at the right. After that, choose the necessary section from the opened list, or click on a heading of a chapter right away to go to specific content.

The Table of contents provided below can be used for the same purpose as the navigation panel.

Each section is opened as a new page that can be navigated using its own content table found at the beginning, or simply by scrolling the page through. Some sections may also contain internal links or links to other sections that serve for fast navigation.

Each page of this manual is organized in accordance with the following style conventions:

  • Red bold style is the name of a section in the user manual;
  • Blue bold style is the name of a chapter in the section;
  • *Only Network RAID or *Only Network RAID is  an element or function that is available only in the specified edition of the software.

Table of contents